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image-1-1"The Smart Brevity style and format have garnered us consistent praise from staff that they enjoy reading — and actually look forward to — our weekly all-staff newsletter. "

Jeff L., Sr. Manager of Internal Comms | EDF


brain-round"Axios HQ has been instrumental in aiding my writers. The robust formatting and Smart Brevity writing styles keep our content sharp and engaging."

Aric N., Brand & Comms Manager | BRG


handshake-round"I love Axios HQ, Smart Brevity, and also their teams! It's been really great working with our account manager and the team to provide feedback."

Jinny L., Sr. Analyst for People Operations | WW International


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Success stories

Hundreds of organizations have trusted our Smart Brevity services to level up their comms. From reducing information overload to accelerating action, we help teams achieve measurable success.

"The Axios HQ team worked with me to tackle and anticipate our specific needs and made an impressive effort to learn our company. We saw the value in what we were doing and the immediate impact it could have on efficiency and results in their day-to-day work." Head of Global Internal Communications, Takeda

Takeda's bespoke training

Axios HQ developed and led a series of in-depth workshops for Takeda’s global communicators, aligning lesson plans, hands-on exercises and workshop cadence around its core goals.

Read their case study
“Immediately, flight attendants noticed and appreciated when we adopted Axios’ Smart Brevity approach. The Axios-isms provide familiarity week to week and help guide readers along so they easily key in on the most important and relevant information.” Manager of In-flight Communications, Delta

Delta in-flight staff stay informed with Smart Brevity

Axios HQ’s team led a series of in-depth Smart Brevity trainings with Delta’s in-flight Service comms team and completed an internal audit to understand flight attendant needs.

Read their case study

700+ organizations use Axios HQ

Go deeper: Smart Brevity®

Smart Brevity is the data-backed communications formula that powers Axios HQ's AI. Join the next Smart Brevity open house to learn more about how and why it works.