The best and worst time to email your employees is the same: Sunday at 3 p.m.

Published by Fortune on December 1, 2024
Timing is everything when it comes to getting a response to your email—and apparently sending one on a Sunday afternoon will most likely solicit a reaction from your team.
That’s according to recent research which found that the best time to send internal emails is on a Sunday between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
After studying 8.7 million emails, the communications software company Axios HQ found that those sent during that time frame had a 94% chance of being opened, compared with a usual 50 to 76% chance of being opened during the rest of the week.
Meanwhile, the second most effective time to reach your team is on a Sunday from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., the researchers said, when emails have an 86% open rate.
Messages sent during these times benefit from “low competition” because they aren’t fighting for workers' attention with Monday morning meetings and the steady stream of emails that follow.
But don’t conflate employees' responsiveness with happiness: Although emails sent on Sunday afternoon have a better response rate than on a busy working day, they’re unlikely to yield a positive reaction.
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